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Rooted in Faith

We strive to follow the example of Jesus by loving, serving, and feeding each other. The vision for The Garden Church embraces the idea that the church is itself an organism that is gathered together to be useful to the broader community, not merely existing to serve itself, and that it is a place where people can come and be useful to each other and to the community around them. Embodying the Swedenborgian teaching that “all religion is of life, and the life of religion is to do good,” we will blur the lines between worship and service, community development and church as an embodied Spiritual community. Drawing from the teaching of the deep connection between the natural world and a Spiritual reality, we will engage nature and food through embodied theology as we garden and eat together.

Engaging the teachings of interconnected community and the multiple levels of loving the neighbor, we envision this church to serve as an organic emanation of God’s redemptive and transformative work. We see the work we do together bringing transformation to individuals, between people, in the local community, for the broader denomination, and to society as a whole.



  • Spiritual longing and desire to make meaning of life

  • Nutrition, health, and food issues

  • People experiencing isolation and disconnection from nature, people, and God


  • Holistic and transformational theology

  • Engagement and education in holistic sustenance through gardening, cooking, and eating together

  • Using the acts of gardening and eating together to engage the natural world, a place of belonging, and the Divine.



  • Need for belonging, place to be useful

  • Economic equality and justice

  • Separation and segregation of people, communities, and families


  • Communal eating, feeding, and serving

  • Addressing local instances of inequity and injustice through education, advocacy, and accompaniment.

  • Worshiping together in a liturgical and spiritual space where we come together and remember to see and encourage God’s love in all people

Local Community


  • Poor nutrition, health, and environmental awareness

  • Isolated agencies and disconnection between social strata’s

  • Fragmented and fractured communities, and a world of division and oppression


  • Programs that address issues of food, nutrition, and the value of local gardening

  • Be a hub for communal connection and restoration, collaboration and creativity

  • Create a sanctuary for divergent individuals and communities to connect



  • The world and church as we know it is changing

  • Churches have turned inwards, social service has become secular

  • The call on the Swedenborgian tradition to be translated forward and engage in the needs and culture of the world today

  • Re-imagine church by exploring what it means to be church in this generation

  • Create an organization that engages both spiritual and social restoration and transformation

  • Be a laboratory for Swedenborgian expressions of spiritual entrepreneurship



  • Reputation that religion and church is primarily bigoted, consumerist, and judgmental

  • A growing crisis in food production, quality, and distribution

  • A world that experiences pain, brokenness, and hellish ways of living


  • Challenge that assumption through action, and by being a religious voice for justice and compassion

  • Work locally to change the way food is produced, distributed, and consumed

  • Embody ways of heavenly life here on earth

The Garden Church

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(310) 929-0547

429 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731
Mailing Address:
PO Box 5257, San Pedro, CA 90733

What We mean when We say All Are Welcome:

At The Garden Church we intentionally welcome all. We do this without requiring adherence to any religious belief or creed. We foster a climate of purposeful inclusion, an environment where all can feel safe, valued, cared for, and given an opportunity to form meaningful connections with the Divine and each other. We cherish the diversity of humanity, a diversity which includes differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, and national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education, and political perspective. 


We are also a member Congregation of the Pacific Coast Association of the Swedenborgian Church of North America

©2024 by The Garden Church.

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