We are having a rainy winter! It is welcome for our water supply and hard for those who make their home outside. The rain has also hampered our ability to meet regularly to tend the plants and to open the garden to the public. At the same time plants are growing with the gift of water from above.
In the middle of all this rain falls the story of Jesus' baptism by his cousin John. Each Sunday when we unpack the tabernacle at the beginning of worship we pour water into our baptismal bowl. As we pour the water, remember that it is water that cleanses and renews and is always making all things new. Trough the waters of baptism we have the same gift, the opportunity to begin anew.
This Sunday we will take a closer look at the familiar story of Jesus' baptism, and reflect on the significance of baptism in the Christian life.
Come as you are, stay as you are able.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Gathering
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Community meal
All Are Welcome