This Sunday begins the second week of Advent. Advent is a season in the Christian tradition in which we prepare for the arrival of Jesus. In the Garden we've been preparing for the season by hanging swags lovingly made by one of our church members, Dino has received seasonal adornments, lights have been strung around the garden and a potted evergreen tree has been placed in our worship space. All thanks to our amazing volunteers. There are things we do at this time of year in our public and private spaces to signal this change of season--this preparing for a celebration. In the biblical narrative preparations for the arrival of Jesus look different. In the Gospel of Mark which we will read this Sunday preparing for God looks like Jesus' cousin clothed in camel hair, eating wild locusts and honey coming out of the wilderness and baptizing people while receiving their confessions all the while reminding them that he's not it--someone more powerful than him is coming next. It looks like the words of the prophet Isiah declaring that the wilderness will be transformed--the rough places will be made plain and a highway will be made for God. Join us this Sunday as we reflect on what preparing looks like this year as we draw closer to the Christmas Holiday. You are welcome to join us this Sunday at 3pm for worship, we hope to see you soon! Advent Blessings,
Rev. Amanda