Our partner organization Feed and be Fed has been very busy this summer. The summer's garden intern just rapped up her month with us and liked us so much she plans to come back and volunteer even after her EXP internship has ended! At the LAUSD Science Center (akso known as "The Farm") there are 5 youth interns and a supervisor all working hard with volunteers to radically expand the growing space and increase capacity for growing more crops. In support of those new crops going in a produce distribution manager has been hired and she begins this week!
Each week there are more and more beautiful summer veggies appearing at the farmer's market grown by our volunteers and harvested with the help of interns. This past Friday the table was so full of beautiful, locally grown organic produce that we hit our all time summer high in sales for the year! It is a good time to enjoy the gifts of the earth.
This Sunday our sermon series on prayer will continue with some time of prayer practice in the style of Lectio Divinia or divine reading of scripture. Join us for our weekly time in the garden as we spend time in prayer and reflection as we meditatively read scripture together.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
Come as you are, stay as you are able
All Are Welcome