We are in the church season of Advent, our larger culture is in the season of Holiday and Christmas preparations. The stores are having sales and encouraging holiday preparations like decorating and gift buying. Meanwhile in the church we're remembering the dark parts of our world as we prepare for the birth of our savior, the celebration of the moment when God came to us in human form, to be with us in the dark, difficult parts of this world. It's a strange juxtaposition we live with as we march in a the annual Holiday Parade and remember our unhoused neighbors who will have a cold night tonight all the while reminding ourselves of God's presence in and through all of it.
This year The Garden Church is spending the Season of Advent focused on Mary's Song found in Luke 1:46-55. This Sunday we will focus on verse 50 where Mary says:
"His mercy is for those who fear him
from generation to generation."
Her simple statement is one of profound faithfulness. She shows a deep understanding of what it means to trust in the Lord and God's promises. Throughout scripture we are reminded of God's faithfulness not just for those who are alive now, but for the generations to come. There is joy in understanding that promise deeply and holding it near.
Join us for the Sundays of Advent as we walk through the darkness towards the light of Christmas.
Sunday Rhythm
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship
5pm Eat together grab and go style format
All Are Welcome
Come as you are, stay as you are able.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda