The garden is quiet, the streets are quiet. We are in an ongoing surge of the COVID-19 virus. A few weeks ago the vaccines made their way here to LA County, so we know there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and we know we are not out of the woods yet either. We are in an in-between. There is peril and there is an end in sight. We have been here before. We have spent holidays with loved ones off at war, we have lived in conflict with an abiding hope for it to end one day. As we enter 2021 we are filled with hope for the future and a keen awareness that it is not secured yet. This Sunday's scripture readings are full of words of comfort, salvation and hope. It is the second Sunday in the season of Christmas. I realize the holiday radio stations have quit the Christmas music, but in the church, the season of Christmas stretches until Epiphany on January 6th. In this season we continue to remind ourselves of what the birth of Jesus means for us and for this world and in the words of Howard Thurman we begin "The Work of Christmas." Blessings,
Rev. Amanda