We have had a wonderful week in and out of the garden! Last week Feed and be Fed wrapped up 5 sessions of Garden Lab, a program for 4th grade LAUSD students run by volunteer extraordinaire turned part time Feed and Be Fed educational staff thanks to a grant from the good people at the Crail-Johnson Foundation. A hand full of us got to hop in on the last lesson and assist and it is so beautiful to see 9 and 10 year olds delight in spinning cotton into yarn and feeding chickens!
Then Thursday evening a group from The Garden Church traveled up to Torrance to attend the annual South Coast Interfaith Council Dinner where our very own Dottie Wine was honored. Dottie received a Spotlight award for her work in transitioning the South Coast Interfaith Council from Ecumenical (that's only churches) to Interfaith (as in every faith). This year was the 20th anniversary of that change! On Friday in addition to our usual activities we hosted a group from the Presbyterian Hunger program in the garden. They had spent the morning hearing about the air pollution challenges in Wilmington and were blessed by the growing plants, pollinators and birds in our green growing space.
Saturday Feed and be Fed welcomed 300 people to the garden for an Earth Day Fair and Youth Art Contest. We were joined by Councilmember Tim McOsker who served as a judge and presented the art work to the winning students. The event included indoor space displaying over 100 pieces of artwork at Pixels Studio, a rain barrel give away through the city of LA, compost bucket and produce give away and tasty farm to table bites with homemade lemonade. Then on Sunday religious leaders from 4 faith traditions gathered in conjunction with the San Pedro Faith Consortium for our Annual Interfaith Earth Day celebration. Rev. Dave lead a meaningful service emphasizing trees in our various traditions.
This Sunday we will continue our sermon series on trees by thinking about branches and spending some time in the book fo Daniel where he interprets the dream of a powerful king. We hope you can join us as we make church together.
In Faith,
Rev. Amanda
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
Come as you are, stay as you are able
All Are Welcome

Garden Lab

Interfaith Earth Day

Earth Day Fair

South Coast Intefraith Council Dinner honoring Dottie Wine (back row, right side)