Sunday we are thrilled to welcome to the garden Helen Keller expert Rev. Sage Cole founder of the Hellen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative. Rev. Sage will also lead this tonight's Theological Thursday at Sunken City Books at 7pm (corner of 6th and Mesa).Rev. Sage Cole has served as an ordained Swedenborgian minister for nearly two decades, in rural and urban parishes and as a hospital and hospice chaplain. After enduring the pandemic and entering midlife Sage has become more deeply and radically committed to the vision of the new church, as a personal and collective invitation to remake our inner and outer lives. Following in the footsteps of the great Helen Keller Sage is interested in incubating more collaborative diverse forms of new church life that is wisely engaged in the world and grounded in love and radical acceptance. Rev. Sage's topic for Sunday's sermon is "Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful and will include reflections on Jeremiah 31:31-34, Revelation 21:1-4 and from the works of Emmanuel Swedenborg: Divine Love and Wisdom n. 241"People who pay attention to their reason when that reason is in the light can see that our love is the purpose of everything we do, since it is what we love that we think about, decide upon, and do, so it is what we have as our purpose. Our reason can also show us that wisdom is the means, since the love that is our purpose gathers in our discernment the means it needs to reach its goal. So it listens to its wisdom, and these resources constitute the means through which it works. We can see without further explanation that usefulness is the result.
Love, though, is not the same in one individual as in another, so wisdom is not the same in one individual as in another, and neither is usefulness. Since these three are matched in kind the quality of our love determines the quality of our wisdom, and of our usefulness."We hope you can join us this week for both Thursday and Sunday with our special guest.
In Faith,
Rev. Dr. Amanda Riley
Sunday Rhythm:
3pm Work Together
4pm Worship Together
5pm Eat Together
Come as you are, stay as you are able
All Are Welcome