Making Church Together
429 W. 6th St. San Pedro, CA
Sundays: 3pm Work Together; 4pm Worship Together; 5pm Eat Together

Sunday Worship
All Are Welcome for our weekly Sunday Worship in the garden. Join us as we make church together every Sunday at 4pm
5pm Eat Together
Following our Worship Together time in the garden we have a community meal at in 5pm every Sunday.
All Are Welcome
Open Garden Time
The Garden at 429 W. 6th St is Open Tuesdays & Fridays from 10am-12pm, in Partnership with Feed and be Fed.
Come in and enjoy the outdoor sanctuary.
All Are Welcome
Theological Thursdays
2nd Thursday Monthly
Sunken City Books | 7pm
Lead by
Rev. Dr. David Brown

Re-Imagining Church Outside the Walls
Rooted in the Christian tradition and Swedenborgian theology, the Garden Church provides a living experience of encountering the Divine in community, scripture, nature, and the life of useful service, and being the church together on multiple levels. Through worshiping, working and learning together, feeding the hungry, and addressing the needs of the local community, this church is living sanctuary for all who seek a place to grow, to love and be loved, and to belong. Creating a place of Spiritual community where God’s love is made visible as people are fed in body, mind, and Spirit.
Contact Us
429 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731
Mailing Address:
PO Box 5257, San Pedro, CA 90733
(310) 929-0547